pregnant lady making a list of things to do before baby arrives

Ultimate Checklist: 13 Things to Do Before Baby Arrives

So you're in the final moments of pregnancy, anxiously awaiting the arrival of your little bundle of joy. It's an exciting time filled with anticipation and wonder. As the due date approaches, now is the perfect moment to take a deep breath and consider all the final preparations before your baby enters the world.

You've probably finished work or are just about to wrap things up, getting ready to embark on your well-deserved maternity leave. And let's not forget the countless advice you've received from well-meaning friends and family members, who have likely inundated you with suggestions on what to do before the big day.

But fear not! To help make your life a little easier during this joyous but hectic period, we've compiled the ultimate checklist of things to do before your baby arrives. Consider it your go-to guide for ensuring that you have all the essentials covered, so you can focus on enjoying those precious early moments with your little one. 

Checklist of Things to Do Before Baby Arrives

Here is our comprehensive checklist of things to do before baby arrives, ensuring you have all the essential tasks covered for a smooth transition into parenthood.

1. Setting Up A Nursery For Your Baby

nursery ready for baby's arrival

Setting up a nursery for your baby is an exciting task, and it's understandable if you've been putting it off in your quest to create the perfect space. However, with your due date drawing near, now is the ideal time to ensure everything is in order. One of the first steps is to make sure you have all the important baby things to buy before birth. From cribs to changing tables, ensure you have the essential nursery furniture items purchased and ready to assemble. Additionally, don't forget to infuse the room with your personal touch by decorating it to make it feel cozy and welcoming. Consider incorporating ample storage and closets to accommodate all those adorable little clothes. Get ready to create a dreamy sanctuary for your baby!

2. Baby Car Seat Installation

professional installing baby car seat

Ensuring the proper installation of your baby's car seat is crucial before their arrival. It's not just a matter of convenience but also a legal requirement for bringing your newborn home from the hospital. To guarantee that the car seat is securely fitted, it's highly recommended to seek the assistance of a professional. Take some time to familiarize yourself with the car seat's installation process as well. Many parents underestimate the difficulty of maneuvering their baby into the seat until they bring the little one home, so practicing beforehand can save you from unnecessary stress and ensure your baby's safety on the road.

3. Make A Baby Book

mom making a baby book on Dujourbaby Memory Book App

While it may be easily overlooked, don't forget to include a baby keepsake book on your list of things to buy. This must-have item allows you to document and treasure all the precious memories from your baby's first year. It's essential to find a method that works for you in recording those milestones and celebrating the wonderful journey ahead. If you're short on time, consider going digital and making a baby book with the Dujourbaby Memory Book App. With a free trial available, you can explore its features during your pregnancy and see if it's the right fit for you. Take advantage of this moment to jot down your pregnancy milestones and upload those cherished ultrasound photos, preserving the joy of anticipation.

4. Organize Baby Clothes

mom organising baby clothes before arrival

When preparing for your baby's arrival, don't forget to organize their adorable little wardrobe. Start by washing all the baby clothes, ensuring they're clean and fresh for your little one. Remember to cut off any tags that might irritate their delicate skin. Additionally, it's crucial to separate whites from colored garments to avoid any unwanted dye mishaps. Take the time to neatly organize the clothes, making it easier to find what you need when the baby arrives. Do a thorough count of the items to identify any essentials you may be missing or need to purchase before birth. This is the perfect opportunity to check your list of things to buy for baby before birth. Ensure you have enough onesies, socks, and other necessary items without overstocking. Strike a balance so that you have an adequate supply to minimize frequent laundry loads while keeping your little one comfortably dressed.

5. Pack Your Hospital Bag

pregnant woman packing hospital bag on bed

As you approach your due date, it's crucial to have your hospital bag all packed and ready to go. Keep it in an easily accessible place to ensure a smooth departure when the time comes. If you're looking for guidance on what to pack, be sure to check out our blog article filled with helpful tips and tricks on what to include in a hospital bag for pregnancy. Remember to pack essentials not only for yourself but also for your baby and your partner. Being prepared with all the necessary items will help you feel more confident and relaxed as you embark on this incredible journey of bringing new life into the world.

6. Cleaning House For A New Baby 

mom tidying house and wardrobe before baby's arrival

As you prepare for the arrival of your little one, it's natural to have the urge to clean and tidy your house, creating a comfortable environment for your growing family. While it's important not to overexert yourself, delegating this task to your partner or seeking assistance from a friend or loved one who wants to help can be a great idea. Having a clean and organized space can contribute to a sense of calm and readiness as you anticipate the arrival of your baby. Focus on creating a nurturing and welcoming atmosphere that will make you and your little one feel at home.

7. Meal Prepping Before Baby Arrives

mom batch cooking meals before baby arrives

Preparing meals and freezing them before your baby arrives is a smart move that can save you time and energy during those early days. When you return from the hospital, you may feel tired and lack the energy to cook. That's why it's beneficial to take advantage of this time and cook batches of easy-to-reheat meals, like bolognese or casseroles. This task can also be a great opportunity to involve your partner or a loved one who wants to help. Stock up the freezer with individually portioned containers, and you'll have a convenient backup plan ready for any day when the baby arrives.

8. Develop A Birth Plan

pregnant lady developing a birth plan with midwife

Another important thing to do before your baby arrives is to develop a birth plan that aligns with your preferences and desires. Take the time to document your birth plan, outlining important details such as the desired atmosphere, preferred birthing techniques, medication preferences, and any hypnobirthing options you may be considering. It's essential to share your birth plan with your partner and healthcare provider, whether it's a midwife or another practitioner. Clear communication ensures that everyone involved understands your wishes and can work together to create the best birthing experience possible for you and your baby.

9. Stockpile On Essentials 

pregnant lady shopping for last minute items before baby arrives

As you prepare for your baby's arrival, it's important to create a must-have baby shopping list that includes not only items for your little one but also essentials for your home. While focusing on baby items is crucial, don't overlook the importance of stocking up on supplies for your bathroom and kitchen. Prioritize items like toilet paper, dishwashing supplies, and pantry items to ensure you have an adequate stock before the baby arrives. By having these essentials on hand, you'll avoid the hassle of frequent trips to the store and be able to devote more time and energy to caring for your newborn. Take the time to plan and organize your must have baby shopping list, covering both baby essentials and household items, to ensure a smoother transition into parenthood.

10. Pre-baby Admin Tasks

pregnant lady updating admin tasks

In the final stretch before your baby arrives, it's important to tackle pre-baby admin tasks to ensure everything is in order and checked off your checklist of things to do before baby arrives. Take the time to review and handle administrative needs for both yourself and your baby. This includes getting your baby on health insurance or sorting out Medicare, organizing necessary paperwork, and setting up direct debit for bills to save time. Consider delegating some of the administrative work to trusted loved ones who can assist you. Additionally, don't forget to check the expiry dates on your driver's license and passport, especially if you have any travel plans in the near future. By proactively managing these admin tasks, you can have peace of mind and ensure a smoother transition into parenthood.

11. Fit in Self-Care Activities

pregnant woman enjoying self care activities

Amidst the hustle and bustle of preparing for your baby's arrival, it's crucial to prioritize self-care activities. In fact, it's probably the most important item on your checklist of things to do before the baby arrives. After carrying a baby for nine months, it's essential to indulge in some well-deserved relaxation and "me time." Make a conscious effort to enjoy activities you love, such as reading a new book, taking a soothing bath, or treating yourself to a spa day. Take advantage of this precious time to unwind and recharge as much as you can. Remember, a rested and rejuvenated you will be better equipped to take care of your little one when they arrive.

12. Things to Do As A Couple Before Baby Arrives

couple enjoying date night before baby arrives

Before your baby arrives, it's important to cherish and celebrate the special bond you have as a couple. Take the time to do some meaningful activities together to create lasting memories and get excited about the journey ahead. Plan a romantic date night, whether it's enjoying a cozy evening at the cinema, or having a cute lunch date at your favorite restaurant. These moments allow you to connect, relax, and savor the quality time with your partner before the busy days of parenting begin. Make the most of this precious time together and embrace the joy and anticipation of becoming parents.

13. Special Things to Do With Toddlers Before New Baby Arrives

toddler resting on mom's baby bump

If you have a toddler or other children before the new baby arrives, it's important to make them feel special and spend quality time together. Cherish these moments and create lasting memories by engaging in activities that your toddler enjoys. Take them to the park, visit a museum, or have a fun day at a play center. Plan a special picnic where you can bond and make them feel loved. Use this time to also explain to your children about the upcoming arrival of their new sibling, involving them in the preparation process. Building a strong sibling bond begins even before the baby arrives, and these special activities can help create a positive and exciting atmosphere for the whole family.

Baby Countdown

mom meeting newborn after giving birth

We hope that our checklist of things to do before baby arrives has been helpful in preparing you for this exciting chapter of your life. Remember, it's important not to overwhelm yourself with an extensive to-do list. Reach out to your partner and loved ones for support and assistance along the way. And above all, prioritize self-care and relaxation to ensure you enter this new phase feeling refreshed and ready. Take a deep breath, trust in your preparations, and embrace the joy that awaits you with the arrival of your little one.

Capture moments before they become blurry.

Beautiful moments with your precious baby won’t be ingrained in your memory forever. Ensure you document the wonderful early moments with your little one before it’s too late.

The Dujourbaby Memory Book App is a much easier way to build a baby book.

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